Tuesday 8 February 2011

Conspiracy Corner Blog#1

Jeff Lange

Pole-Shift Alert
It has been brought to my attention recently that a major cataclysmic pole-shift will be taking place sometime around mid-March. Apparently Comet Elenin which caused a minor pole-shift in Febuary of last yeear will be the cause of this disaster. The Governments and the elite of the planet have known about this for some considerable time now but they have no intention of alerting the larger public because they know that they are safe; they have their underground bunkers already fixed up. Thankfully with the spread of this information online many people are now taking control of their own destinies and preparing for the worst. It is alleged that orders to major food processors for a six-month supply of emergency rations has been issued for the benefit of the eilte.
Once you have read this you do the decent thing and tell as many different people as you can, let's not go blindly into the dark here. We need to stop letting major information that is of importance to us be concealed by power-mongers who have been trying to control us for centuries. it's time to wake up folks.

Bankers Scam
Are you aware that you are owned by the banks? YOU are their property! YOU have let the Illuminati bankers steal your divine right to self-governance and autonomy. For every issue of currency we are being forced further and further into an impossible debt. This is the great scam of banking. The monopoly of our lives takes place while we are slowly conditioned by the mass media into an acceptance of the general state until it gets to the point where anyone who questions the status-quo is seen as merely a lunatic member of the fringe who harbours all sorts of ridiculous conspiracies.

These reptilian banker overlords have complete control over every aspect of the financial-political world, the control the Military-Industrial complex which commits crimes against humanity on a daily basis with a false decleration of "The furthering of Democracy". There is no such thing as Democracy let me make that very clear. What we have in it's place is a system of Fascism by public consent. And of course the economic collapse of late has been engineered to take place. The guys are very clever. They know how to manipulate the game and they use a very methodic and scientific process to control the economic fluxes.
Whilst they get very rich in real terms ie. land,property,gold,oil, hoarding of info etc. the "Cattle" as they see it are left to squabble over the abstraction that is "Cash"

I'm not paranoid!!......I'm Awake!

Aliens Spotted
Various sightings of of what can only be described as Aliens have been taking place with alarming rapidity in the past few weeks. One woman was so traumitised by her experience that she had to be admiited to a nearby medical facility for severe shock. Once she had recovered enough to be able to talk she gave her eye-witness report; here is what she said.
"I was out taking a little walk in the park, i can't walk far as i get out of breath and i don't walk very fast, my doctor has advised me to lose wieght immediately for risk of serious health-issues. Sorry, i'll cut to what i saw....It was horrible, i was walking along slowly, minding my own business when i heard some rustling to my right. I turned to look and what i saw i will never forget to my dying day. It was looking straight at me, and it's eyes, it's eyes were black...and massive. It had green skin and seemed to be wearing a silver suit. I screamed, but this thing just kept staring at me as if it was studying me. I shiver when i think of it, it has really shaken my nerves of late. I must have turned eventually and tried to get away as fast as i could and i don't really remember much else apart from feeling terribly drained by the whole affair."
This poor woman has obviously had a terrible experience and for people who doubt that aliens are amongst us let me make this very clear. THEY ARE HERE....Yes that's right folks, they have been among us for many years now. I know personally that i have had experienced various very strange time anomolies; i wake up with no recollection of the previous day and seem to suffer from acute sensitivity to bright light. Now i'm not going to come straight out and declare that i have been abducted, i would be labelled a nut anyway, but read between the lines my friends, read between the lines!

I swear i'm not paranoid

Take care folks! Jeff Lange signing out.........

1 comment:

  1. The picture is wrong, the roman numbers under the pyramid is not 666. That is BS. It is the year 1776 when the organisation Illuminati was founded. Novu Ordo Seclorum, does not mean new world order, but New Secular Order.
