Saturday 5 February 2011

The World According to a Mr. F. Rotten

The trouble with todays society is that there are far too many immigrants, in my day we had good old British values, now it's all multiculturalism which has truly messed our country up. What is wrong with Britain for the British anyway? I mean I'm not a racist but these Pakistanis with their weird viewpoints and their horrible curries and these Blacks, well i just don't get along with them, i just don't think they belong here.

Oh another thing i don't like is kids and teenagers, bloody no good the lot of them, in my day we had respect, fat chance of that these days. They should bring back National Service, get them fighting for their country, yeah sure a few of them might get killed serving in the forces but at least they will have learnt to be real men, which is far from what they are now, all this metro-sexual bull, they need a good kick up the ass I tell you.
Oh and kids, they should be put to work as soon as they can walk for Christ sake, too much laziness these days, too many pampered little mummies boys and daddies girls, meh, hate the lot of them. Rant rant rant ................................................. Oh and another thing........Neer Neer to hell with the lot of you...............
The previous little bit of writing was for satirical purposes and not intended to insult or offend anyone.

Subject V Object

Xavier T. Dible

"We are all greater artists than we realise."

Is there an objective truth? Or can we postulate that there is only a relative state of perception. Out of the millions of signals that our brains receive, it organizes, edits, censors and constructs the three-dimensional reality that we assume to be the "Real" reality. But of course as we become more and more aware of this process we can acknowledge that it is merely our own perceptions, our reality-tunnels which determines how we view and construct our mental lives.
This is one of the main problems in true communication. We hold our ideals close to us as sacred cows and we easily dismiss those who hold different opinions as cranks or zealots, therefore we could spend our entire lives at loggerheads with other peoples views when instead we can appreciate that there are thousands upon thousands of differing "Realities" each constructed as a perfect work of art in the head of any individual.

The acceptance of relativity in terms of truth and morality can save us all a lot of heartache. Once we accept that different cultures view things through their own particular filter we can begin to relax and enjoy the show.
Fundamentalists and bigots however never seem to grasp this intuitive paradox of mind; they proclaim their views as the only true and correct way of seeing things. And fundamentalism can exist in many differing idealisms. A scientific materialist would say that his model of reality is the correct one and that anyone who holds a more mystical or spiritual viewpoint is deluded. The same is true of those uptight Christians and Muslims who can never seem to grasp the enlightening and illuminating fact that nothing is truly objective. When you mention to them that perhaps there is no God, they can't handle this horrendous dialectic and will insult you for even mentioning the idea.
Now of course no-one can say that there is no god. Atheists hold just as much faith in the fact that there is no God as do true believers that there is a God.

"The following sentence is true.
The preceding sentence is false."

The truly wise person intuitively understands all of these ideas and realizes that the brain is the master artist of reality; and that the great architect is a projection of ourselves. The subject at one with the object.

Re-Animating the Mind and Senses

Every seven years we regenerate. Our atoms are shed, we form new ones, the double-helix is the hidden variable link.
When we exercise, our bones reform, and re-emerge with new formations. our brains are made up of complex networking systems that are still untapped by the human psyche. It is in there, but it is like a lost treasure, waiting to be re-discovered.

Re-Programming Oneself to Positivity and Clarity.

On the surface, this section does indeed sound like a little bit of pseudo science, or even dare we say 'New Age y'. Rest assured, I am an advocate for neither. Rather, an advocate of open-mindedness. I like to explore any possibility, any theory that opens up into another branch of thinking. Our thoughts are like a tree. From one branch sprouts another, and when these ideas take a little meaning, take on a little basis, formation, we then begin to see the leafs, that blossom into a fully plausible and likeable theory. We tend to like things that feel right. That has a certain element of symmetry. We are attracted to beautiful things for one of the reasons afore mentioned. Because it feels right. Of course, there are many other forms in which this beautiful symmetry can unfold, take shape and release its potential. Ideas are everywhere. All you've got to do, it to open your eyes. No point looking with your eyes wide SHUT.