Sunday 6 February 2011

An Aliens view of Terra

Prof: Annu

"Prof: Squidgebutt and i have been surveying the general cultural level of these elongated primates now for a considerable time. It appears they have developed a level of sadistic behaviour which is in keeping with the less well developed of the galaxy. Our party of four has been split into two units; unfortunately we have no idea where Prof: Junknut and Prof: Quink have ended up and we do hope that they are safe. With the violent attributes of these primates in full evidence on a daily basis now we can only pray to the great God Izaboo that they are safe and still in complete control of their faculties. My colleague and i have always been of the belief that these two Professors are somewhat irresponsible and could get up to all sorts of crazy adventures. We are of the view that it was wrong of the Mission Control to send them as part of this group..
I shall digress no further however. And i shall be reporting frequently on the general intelligence and behavioral patterns of these creatures.
One aspect of their culture which i find to be most amusing and somewhat tragic is that these Terra-beings cannot seem to agree on their consensus belief systems. They are always arguing and squabbling about which of their Gods is the one true God. One faction of primates believes in a stern and unforgiving God called Jehovah. This deity seems to us to be a particularly atavistic and brutal entity, lacking in compassion for His followers; His followers also refer to him as Father. This Jehovah faction is split into various sects which seem to disagree on various issues. One of the sects is called "Judaism" another is called "Christianity" these sects confusingly are also divided further into sub-sections, it is very confusing and one wonders if these creatures are not mentally ill.
Now, the Christian sect believe in a Godling called "Jesus" who according to them is Gods only son but also paradoxically God Himself. He was born of a non-sexualized primate called Mary. There are some really bizarre elements to this sect. One of which is that the Christian Terra-beings, the ones that belong to the sub-sect called "Catholicism" like to eat and drink the body and blood of this Godling Jesus. They perform a thing called a mass in which by eating bread and drinking wine they are in communion with their God. They also belief that he died on a cross for the sins of all Terra-beings. It is all very strange indeed and i along with Prof: Squidgebutt shall be doing more research on these issues.

All Hail Izaboo

End of Transmission......."

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